Hey, happy soon to be 2017! I know it’s cliche, because everyone says it, but I can’t believe 2016 is almost completed. It’s crazy. Time flies.
The end of 2016 brings me to my customary year end Top CAD Blogs post. I’ve been tracking some of these blogs for years now. Five years. That’s a fair amount of time.
I think this post is more fun, than it is technically useful. So I hope you browse it, enjoy it, and perhaps share it.
Now, let’s see who ranked where.
How Blogs Rank
As I explain each year: I rank the top CAD blogs according to Alexa’s Global Traffic Rank. Alexa explains that their traffic rank is a measure of a site’s popularity.
The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and page views over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and page views is ranked #1.
The websites that I considered for my rankings were:
- Structured primarily as a CAD blog.
- Active.
- Not highly commercial.
Top CAD Blogs of 2016
This year I considered 78 blogs, but only 70 made it to my larger table format list below. This is because a number of blogs didn’t have Alexa data, so I dropped them.
Here are two charts displaying the top 25 blogs.

In tabular form, the Alexa Global Traffic Ranks for the 70 blogs are:
Top CAD Blogs | Alexa Global Traffic Rank |
1. cad-notes.com | 197,721 |
2. autodesk.blogs.com | 289,263 |
3. through-the-interface.typepad.com | 291,267 |
4. thebuildingcoder.typepad.com | 299,840 |
5. cadblog.pl | 488,122 |
6. 3dcadportal.com | 562,651 |
7. cadsetterout.com | 572,641 |
8. thesourcecad.com | 660,993 |
9. revitclinic.typepad.com | 660,993 |
10. blog.jtbworld.com | 665,406 |
labs.blogs.com | 697,921 |
designandmotion.net | 837,007 |
lynn.blogs.com | 981,270 |
mayastation.typepad.com | 1,001,828 |
deelip.com | 1,020,375 |
modthemachine.typepad.com | 1,129,792 |
jamiesjewels.typepad.com | 1,214,088 |
insidethefactory.typepad.com | 1,258,287 |
thecadgeek.com | 1,578,509 |
cadintentions.com | 1,589,324 |
geospatial.blogs.com | 1,599,327 |
otb.manusoft.com | 1,764,846 |
autodeskmfg.typepad.com | 1,852,782 |
bimblog.typepad.com | 1,904,999 |
cadpanacea.com | 1,907,041 |
underthehood-autodesk.typepad.com | 1,924,541 |
beingcivil.typepad.com | 1,973,484 |
caddmanager.com/CMB | 2,033,648 |
rcd.typepad.com | 2,083,859 |
geospatialfrance.typepad.com | 2,111,904 |
in-the-pipes.typepad.com | 2,236,618 |
crackingthevault.typepad.com | 2,404,670 |
blog.cadnauseam.com | 2,429,144 |
bestcadtips.com | 2,460,023 |
bimandbeam.typepad.com | 2,564,863 |
civilimmersion.typepad.com | 2,604,190 |
ltunlimited.typepad.com | 2,778,529 |
heidihewett.blogs.com | 2,866,126 |
hyperpics.blogs.com | 2,962,854 |
geospatialnavigator.typepad.com | 3,056,991 |
themadcadder.blogs.com | 3,071,410 |
inventor-ru.typepad.com | 3,110,690 |
worldcadaccess.typepad.com | 3,458,039 |
dwf.blogs.com | 3,769,493 |
civilfrance.typepad.com | 3,954,040 |
ontheedge.dezignstuff.com | 4,403,080 |
cadshack.blogspot.com | 4,560,975 |
justonesandzeros.typepad.com | 4,918,585 |
autocad.cad-dotnet.de | 5,120,316 |
tonyscivil3dworld.blogspot.com | 5,176,541 |
fromthegroundup.typepad.com | 5,182,386 |
inside-the-system.typepad.com | 5,583,039 |
cadprotips.com | 5,726,698 |
dux.typepad.com | 5,984,658 |
cadtoolbox.com | 6,430,082 |
withoutanet.typepad.com | 7,901,219 |
ellipsis-autodesk.typepad.com | 8,382,232 |
cadinsider.typepad.com | 9,140,491 |
lazydrafter.blogspot.com | 9,871,599 |
inthemachine-autodesk.typepad.com | 10,055,272 |
mistressofthedorkness.blogspot.com | 11,097,983 |
whatamesh.typepad.com | 13,179,614 |
atlandsend.typepad.com | 15,290,971 |
cadtipstricks.wordpress.com | 19,365,242 |
cad-a-blog.com | 19,972,414 |
kungfudrafter.com | 20,685,381 |
bimapps.typepad.com | 22,094,071 |
bimontherocks.typepad.com | 22,439,906 |
betterateverything.info | 22,877,896 |
doddsandends.typepad.com | 24,425,264 |
Congrats to Edwin Prakoso for his fourth year in a row as the #1 CAD Blog with his blog https://www.cad-notes.com. Congrats Edwin!!
Also congrats to Shaan Hurley for his #2 placing with https://autodesk.blogs.com/. Way to go Shaan!!
And congrats to Kean Walmsley for earning the #3 spot with his blog https://through-the-interface.typepad.com/. Kean is returning from his #3 spot appearance in 2014. Welcome back Kean!
This is a wrap for 2016. I wish you all the best and most prosperous year of your life in 2017.
If you’d like your CAD blog to be included next year, then please leave me a message in the comments below.